Your husband of 40 years has been diagnosed with dementia. You are still in a state of shock, although you have noticed him behaving in odd ways over the last couple of years. You put it down to old age and push it to the back of your mind. Besides you are always busy with seeing friends and looking after the garden and the grandchildren and popping in next door to see if your neighbour who had a stroke recently, is ok. You sometimes struggle with your own health too – arthritis gets you down.
Or your mum has had Alzheimers for several years now. You’ve given up your well paid and sociable job to look after her. She shouts at you, spits and swears. And sometimes she talks to you as though you are her sister, not her daughter. She never thanks you for all you’ve done. And even though you know she can’t help it, it still hurts. She won’t leave the house and doesn’t want you to leave her. You miss your previous life and your friends and you don’t sleep much for worrying about the future.
It could be that you have been caring for a parent or loved one with dementia and they’ve recently passed away. You’ve been focussed on looking after them for years and now you’ve lost sight of who you are.
Here’s the good news…….
You don’t have to face these challenges alone because Carers Leeds is here for you.
At Carers Leeds, you can talk openly about your concerns, get face to face support emotionally and practically, learn about the other services in Leeds that can help and attend support groups where you can talk to others in the same boat as you.
We provide specialist dementia carer support throughout the city in order to support carers of people living with memory problems or a diagnosis of dementia.
To access this service, call the carers Advice Line on 0113 380 4300. We can offer one to one carer support by appointment at our central Leeds office, in your own home or in a community venue of your choice. We also offer telephone support to carers, training and monthly dementia café.
For more information about Dementia Carer Support in Leeds contact Lisa McAvan – 0113 380 4300
Written by: Alison Smith