Emergency Planning for Carers
Below are the main ways carers and the people they care for can think about and plan for emergencies.
Sudden unexpected events or emergencies can be scary and stressful, and most of us simply hope they never happen. However, making a plan can:
- encourage you and the person you care for to think about what you both want to happen if you are suddenly unable to provide the care you normally provide due to an emergency
- help identify people who will step in at short notice (emergency contacts)
- provide important information that will help someone to take over caring.
- give you and the person you care for peace of mind
Carers Leeds Emergency Card
The Carers Leeds Emergency Card is free of charge and is designed to be kept with you at all times, for example in a purse, bag, wallet, phone case or on a key ring. In an emergency you can show someone the card so that they will know that someone else relies on you.
The card will include contact details of someone that you have spoken to and who has agreed to step in and take over caring for the person you care for. This will usually be a family member or friend.
You can apply for a Carers Leeds Emergency Card by phoning the Carers Leeds Advice Line on 0113 380 4300 or online here.
Carers Emergency Plan
A Carers Emergency Plan is a document that includes information about you and the person you care for, as well as the contact details for family or friends who have agreed that they can be contacted to take over caring. The plan can also includes important information that will help them or someone else to take over caring in an emergency.
You should keep a copy of the plan in a safe place and make sure that you tell anyone who needs to know, where it is kept, for example people who have agreed that they can be contacted to take over caring, care agencies etc.
You could write your own plan in any way that you want. However, we have designed a Carers Emergency Plan template that you can use to create your own plan.
You can get a copy of the template by phoning the Carers Leeds Advice Line on 0113 380 4300 or you can access it below.
Registering your Carers Emergency Plan with Leeds Telecare
The main benefit of registering your Carers Emergency Plan with Leeds Telecare is that in the event of an emergency, Leeds Telecare will coordinate emergency care. Details of how to register your plan with Leeds Telecare are included on the plan itself. Once your plan is registered, Leeds Telecare will send you welcome pack that will include a Carers Emergency Card, a unique reference number, and stickers which can be stuck to the inside of a door or on the fridge to alert emergency services that you are a carer.
If Leeds Telecare receive an emergency call, they will be able to look up your emergency plan and will aim to have emergency care in place as soon as possible. This will include contacting any family or friends recorded in your plan. If this is not possible, Leeds Telecare will contact either the NHS or Adult Social Care services to arrange emergency care.
Where there is a delay in someone being able to take over caring, Leeds Telecare may be able to send an emergency responder who will be able to check the cared-for person is safe. However, Leeds Telecare will not be able to provide emergency care.
Alternative options
Lions Association Message in a Bottle
The Lions Association ‘Message in a Bottle’ is a simple but effective way for people to keep personal and medical details where they can be found in an emergency. This can help emergency services save valuable time identifying an individual and knowing if they have allergies or take special medication. You can order a bottle at https://lionsmessageinabottle.co.uk.
Jointly App
You can create your own Carers Emergency Plan using the Jointly App. Jointly has been developed by Carers UK to make the coordination of caring easier by combining group messaging, to-do lists and other useful features, including medication lists, calendar, and key contacts. You can find out more about Jointly at https://jointlyapp.com/
Jointly is free for any carer for any carer living in Leeds as part of the Carers UK’s Digital Resource for Carers which has lots of other helpful information, such as guides, factsheets, e-learning. You can create your free account online at https://carersdigital.org/login/index.php using the free access code DGTL8267
The Mobilise website includes a range of online support for carers, including advice on completing a carers emergency plan. You can find out more and download the Mobilise carers emergency planning template at https://www.mobiliseonline.co.uk/emergency-planning-for-carers
Carers Leeds supports unpaid carers:
Carers Advice Line: 0113 380 4300
Carers Advice Email: advice@carersleeds.org.uk