We’ve achieved the investing in volunteers award for another 3 years! Whoop! 🎉😁

By |2020-02-21T14:18:00+00:0021/02/2020|instagram|

We've achieved the investing in volunteers award for another 3 years! Whoop! 🎉😁

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The closing date for the Leeds Oak Alliance Hub Coordinator vacancy is 9am this Friday. Get your application pack here: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leeds/about-us/work-for-us/ Established last year by Carers Leeds, Age UK Leeds Care & Repair Leeds St Gemma’s Hospice & Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice, Leeds Oak Alliance offers information, advice and support to people living with frailty, at the end of life and their carers in St James University Hospital Bexley Wing.

By |2020-02-12T10:17:57+00:0012/02/2020|instagram|

The closing date for the Leeds Oak Alliance Hub Coordinator vacancy is 9am this Friday. Get your application pack here: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leeds/about-us/work-for-us/ Established last year by Carers Leeds, Age UK Leeds Care & Repair Leeds St Gemma's Hospice & Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice, Leeds Oak Alliance offers information, advice and support to people living with frailty, at the end of life and their carers in St James University Hospital Bexley Wing.

Comments Off on The closing date for the Leeds Oak Alliance Hub Coordinator vacancy is 9am this Friday. Get your application pack here: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leeds/about-us/work-for-us/ Established last year by Carers Leeds, Age UK Leeds Care & Repair Leeds St Gemma’s Hospice & Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice, Leeds Oak Alliance offers information, advice and support to people living with frailty, at the end of life and their carers in St James University Hospital Bexley Wing.

New vacancies now open 👍 Join our amazing team by applying using the link in our bio.

By |2020-02-04T17:18:05+00:0004/02/2020|instagram|

New vacancies now open 👍 Join our amazing team by applying using the link in our bio.

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