Time for Carers Grant Navigation

Applications are now closed for this grant for this financial year as the funding has come to an end, If you have already submitted an application you can still access the  professional statement link for your nominated professional to complete to support your submitted application. We cannot accept Professional Statements without an application’.

The Time for Carers fund can provide an unpaid carer with a payment of up to £250 so that you can have a break from your caring role. The scheme is funded by Leeds City Council and administered by Carers Leeds.


  • You must be an unpaid Carer – someone who, without payment, provides support to a friend or family member who due to illness, frailty, disability, mental health issues or substance misuse cannot manage without their help. Any unpaid carer is potentially eligible for a grant, it is not means tested.
  • Aged 16 and over.
  • The carer or the person with care needs must live in the Leeds area.
  • Former carers can apply for a grant up to a year after the person with care needs has died or gone into permanent residential care.
  • Only one application can be made every 3 years. Where more than one carer in a household provides care for the same person, only 1 application can be made. We cannot accept multiple applications from carers who care for the same person. Applications can be made every 3 years subject to the return of receipts and funding. If receipts are not returned, you may not be eligible to apply again.

Stage One – Application

Complete the online application form which, when submitted you will receive a confirmation email, you can find this here: https://www.carersleeds.org.uk/time-for-carers-application-form/ This will tell you that your application has been submitted successfully and that we require a supporting Professional Statement to support your application (details below).

You can request support completing an application online with someone from our Admin Team if you have any difficulties completing the form online. They will complete the form on your behalf over the phone with you, you can arrange this by contacting 0113 246 8338.

Stage Two – Professional Statement

Your application must be supported by a professional who can verify your caring role.

The Professional Statement should be completed by a professional who has regular involvement with you or the person with care needs and can verify that you are the carer.

  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physio Therapist
  • Dietitian
  • Hospital Consultant
  • Social Worker
  • Adult Social Care Wellbeing Worker
  • Social Prescriber
  • Mental Health Support Worker
  • Home Care Worker
  • Carers Leeds Support Worker (If you are currently receiving support)
  • Neighbourhood Network
  • Doctor
  • Your Employer (Line Manager/Supervisor/HR Officer)
  • Teacher/Tutor/Special Education Needs and Disability Worker/Classroom Assistant

Some GP practices will charge patients for signing certain forms, we suggest that you ask them whether there will be a charge. Unfortunately, Carers Leeds is not able to contact your GP to ask them to waive any fees.

We are unable to chase your nominated professional for the statement and is your responsibility to ensure this form is completed. If you have any problems in obtaining a Professional Statement, or do not receive any support by a professional, we may be able to support you with this, but we would need to speak to you about your caring role.

Stage Three – Panel

Decision Panel – At busy times, it can take up to 5 months from the date we receive your application until the date you hear the outcome. All applications are considered by a Time for Carers Decision Panel, made up of Carers Leeds Volunteers and service users (carers) that meet monthly at Carers Leeds. The panel has a maximum number of applications to process at each meeting.

Once the panel has met, the Carers Leeds Admin Team will email or contact you by telephone if you do not have an email address regarding the outcome of your application. We will ask you to contact us to obtain your preferred method of payment where applications have been approved. Please note payment can take up to 3 weeks dependent on BACS/Cheque preference.

Stage Four – Receipts

We require evidence that the grant awarded is used for the purpose it was given. It is a condition of the Time for Carers grant that receipts for money spent are returned.

You will be sent a Report Back Form in the post if your application is successful. Receipts should be attached to the completed form and returned to the address on the form, or these can photographed using your phone and emailed to timeforcarers@carersleeds.org.uk

  • You must return your receipts to Carers Leeds within 12 months of receiving the grant, and within 1 month of the full grant being spent.
  • Receipts submitted must be for carer expenses only. However, receipts for the cost of a shared activity or accommodation will be accepted.
  • Receipts must match the details of the break/holiday, activity, outing, or item requested on the application form.
  • If receipts are lost, duplicate receipts should be sought, if possible. A Report Back form should still be completed giving details of why receipts are not being submitted.

Failure to provide appropriate receipts may mean that you are ineligible to apply to Time for Carers Fund in the future.


Carers Leeds Administration Team: Telephone: 0113 246 8338 or email timeforcarers@carersleeds.org.uk


Carers Leeds offers free support and information to carers across Leeds aged 16 and over.  We can help with how you are feeling, managing at home, taking a break, finances, grants and benefits, your rights at work and your health. More information can be found here: https://www.carersleeds.org.uk/

A carer is someone who provides unpaid support to a friend or family member who due to illness, frailty, disability, mental health issues or substance misuse cannot manage without their help.

Unpaid carers aged 16 and over who are providing regular care for a family member, close friend or neighbour who could not manage without the support you give them.

The carer or the person with care needs must live in the Leeds area (the local authority is Leeds City Council). Only one application can be made by the carer for the person who is cared for. We cannot accept multiple applications from carers who support the same cared for person.

You can complete a Time for Carers Fund application form online . If you are having difficulties completing the online form, you can contact Carers Leeds on 0113 246 8338 to request a copy in the post, or to request someone to support you with your online application.

Return your completed application using the address shown on the form

Your application must be supported by an Agent statement who can confirm your caring role.

The professional must be someone who has regular involvement with you, the carer, or the person you care for. Not a family member, friend, or work colleague.

Suitable professionals could include:

  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physio Therapist
  • Dietitian
  • Hospital Consultant
  • Social Worker
  • Adult Social Care Wellbeing Worker
  • Social Prescriber
  • Mental Health Support Worker
  • Home Care Worker
  • Carers Leeds Support Worker (If you are currently receiving support)
  • Neighbourhood Network
  • Doctor
  • Your Employer (Line Manager/Supervisor/HR Officer)
  • Teacher/Tutor/Special Education Needs and Disability Worker/Classroom Assistant

Some GP practices will charge patients for completing certain forms. Unfortunately, Carers Leeds is not able to contact your GP to ask them to waive any fees. You may wish to consider if there is anyone else who could support your application.

If you have any difficulties seeking a professional to support your application, please contact the Carers Leeds Administration Team 0113 246 8338 or email timeforcarers@carersleeds.org.uk
Carers Leeds may be able to support your application, but we would need to speak with you about your caring role.

We will try to contact you if we have not received your Professional Statement, however, if you fail to respond then we may withdraw your application.

A Time for Carers grant can be used for something that clearly gives the carer a break from their caring role. This list is not extensive, and applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the panel, therefore it is important that carers clearly state on the application how the grant will enable them to take a break from their caring role.

  • A holiday (with or without the person with care needs)
  • A weekend break (with or without the person with care needs)
  • Day trips:
    • Coach trips, train journeys, trips to the coast, theme parks, visiting friends or family (the grant can be used for petrol however, exclusively to form part of the break)
  • Wellbeing & complementary therapies:
    • Spa break, facial, massage, acupuncture, reflexology, hairdressing, manicure, podiatry, and chiropody treatment. Gym membership, exercise classes such as yoga, swimming.
  • Education and Further Learning:
    • Books or equipment required, leisure classes or further education
  • Social outings:
    • Concert, theatre, cinema, bowling, meal out/coffee with friends/family
  • Driving lessons:
    • Lessons, theory test, provisional licence
  • Purchase of items for a hobby/interest:
    • Watercolour paints, gardening, books, puzzles, walking (boots, waterproofs), running (shoes, clothing specific to running), cycling (a bike or a helmet), camping (a tent)
  • Technology Equipment:
    • Laptop / tablet / iPad (Not a mobile phone or contract)

A Time for Carers Grant cannot be used for the following:

  • To buy tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs
  • To pay off debts
  • To gamble
  • To do anything which is against the law
  • To pay any household bills such as Rent, mortgage, gas or electricity, cable, phone bill
  • To pay for petrol/travel expenses/taxi’s which are not part of a holiday or a break from your caring role
  • To pay for residential care in a care home
  • To pay for respite or a sitting/ child minding service (only pay for activity carer gets up to whilst a sitting service is looking after the person with care needs)
  • To pay prescription charges
  • To pay for the ordinary costs of daily living
  • Food shopping or bus passes
  • To buy furniture
  • Television or ‘white goods’ such as a washing machine, fridge, cooker, bed, mattress, wardrobe
  • Clothes (unless part of a hobby such as running, walking etc)
  • To pay for room hire for a family party/event

A Time for Carers grant cannot be used to pay for a break/holiday, activity, outing or item which you have already purchased.

The grant is for the carer’s expenses only. However, we do accept that sometimes the only way for a carer to benefit would be to take the person with care needs with them for an outing/activity/break/holiday. The money could be spent, for example, on the cost of a shared caravan or shared holiday accommodation for yourself and the person with care needs. We will review all applications on a case-by-case basis. If you are unsure how you can use the grant, please contact Carers Leeds Administration Team 0113 246 8338 or email timeforcarers@carersleeds.org.uk

Only one application can be made every 3 years subject to funding by Leeds City Council. If you have already received a grant from this fund within the last 3 years you cannot make a new application.

If you have received a grant from this fund in the past and you did not return receipts, then you are unable to apply again. Where more than one carer in a household care for the same person, only 1 application can be made every 3 years. Receipts totalling the amount of the grant and a completed Report Back form must be received from each successful application before a further application can be made.

We need evidence that the grant awarded is used for the purpose it was given.  It is a condition of the Time for Carers grant that receipts for money spent are returned.

You will be sent a Report Back Form if your application is successful. You must return your receipts to Carers Leeds within 12 months of receiving the grant either by post to 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 6PT or you can take an image of the receipts and email them to timeforcarers@carersleeds.org.uk

Receipts submitted must be for carer expenses only. However, receipts for a family meal or for the cost of a shared caravan, shared holiday apartment or shared hotel accommodation for yourself and the person with care needs will be accepted.

Receipts must match the details of the break/holiday, activity, outing or item requested on the application form. We will not accept receipts for ordinary living costs i.e., supermarket food, bills, white goods (fridges, bed etc.).

If receipts are lost, duplicate receipts should be sought, if possible. A Report Back form should still be completed giving details of why receipts are not being submitted. Failure to provide appropriate receipts may mean that you are ineligible to apply to Time for Carers Fund in the future. Leeds City Council, who provides the funding for Time for Carers Fund, may request that grant payments are returned if receipts are not provided. Please note Carers Leeds does not send out reminder letters.

Please note that if the grant is misused you may be asked to return the money by Leeds City Council who fund the grant.

At busy times, it can take up to 5 months from the date we receive your application until the date you hear the outcome.

Once we receive your application form, we will check that every section has been completed. Incomplete forms will be delayed.

Once we receive your ‘Professional Statement’, we will confirm this to you by email and advise you when your application will be considered by the allocated Panel.

All applications are considered by an Allocation Panel that meets monthly at Carers Leeds. The panel has a maximum number of applications to process at each meeting.

You will receive a call from our Admin Team regarding the outcome of your application within a few days of the panel date.

The grant can be paid directly into your bank account or by cheque, you will receive an email from the Admin Team asking you to contact us in order to provide your bank details or to advise you that a cheque will be sent to you. If you do not have an email the Admin Team will call you.

We will not issue cash and we will not authorise cheques to be cashed at quick cash outlet.

You have 12 months to use the grant, if you have any difficulties spending the grant within this time then please contact the Admin Line, we may be able to offer an extension dependant on your circumstances.

Carers Leeds supports unpaid carers:

Carers Advice Line: 0113 380 4300
Carers Advice Email: advice@carersleeds.org.uk