Identifying carers is one of the biggest challenges here at Carers Leeds. This #youngcarersawarenessday we want to highlight some of the pressures that the 700,000 young carers in the UK are facing.
We have a dedicated team to support young adult carers in Leeds and we work with schools, colleges and other organisations to help them identify carers that they work with. By raising awareness we hope it will help carers to get the support they desperately need.
We’d like to introduce one of our fantastic and resilient young adult carers: Chloe.
Hello, my name is Chloe and I care for my mum who has depression. Mum has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer which has moved into secondary cancer to the bones, skull and spine.
My caring tasks vary but mostly I clean the house, do the shopping, pay bills and take my mum to her appointments. As a carer, I have gained skills that I am able to transfer into everyday life, which is useful as I have recently moved into my own flat.
I didn’t realise I was carer until I was 13. I was in school and forgot my school books, when the teacher asked me why; I got upset and finally opened up about my caring duties. She referred me to Willow for support, who have since referred me to Carers Leeds.
Carers Leeds has given me the support I needed and I feel like I’m understood. I struggle to tell people that I’m a carer because a lot of people don’t fully understand what is meant by it. Although I do with I had accessed support sooner to help me in my caring role.
To other carers I would say take all of the support you can from a carers service and family. And don’t be afraid to ask for help, it can make a huge difference.
If you’d like more information or support to identify carers that you work with, please get in touch with our advice line on 0113 380 4300.