This week is Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 11 November – Friday 15 November 2019) and it has the theme ‘Change Starts With Us’. Bullying can happen at any age, in schools and workplaces. Our young adult carer team have shared the following tips for children and young people.
Are you a young person who’s being bullied? Or maybe you’re witnessing others being bullied? There are ways around it. Here are 6 anti-bullying tips for you.
If you’re worried about bullying speak to someone you trust or call ChildLine on 0800 11 11.
- It is not your fault if you get bullied. We are all different in some way and that’s what makes us amazing.
- The important thing is that you tell someone about it e. teachers, parents, siblings or friends.
- If you don’t feel you can talk to people you know, you can always call ChildLine 0800 11 11 or visit
- It might be tempting to retaliate to the bully – This is not a good idea – you might end up getting into trouble or get yourself even more hurt.
- Only hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself.
- Be Kind to yourself
For more information, contact our YAC team or visit
Grace Purnell – Young Adult Carer Support Worker