During lockdown Skippko have been exploring different ways of working with communities at a time people cannot meet in person.
‘Windows’ is a creative ‘at home’ project that builds on the essence of Skippko; doing hands on making and sharing stories and experiences. Please see www.skippko.org.uk for examples of their other projects.
We have 30 exciting ‘Windows’ packs to send out to carers across Leeds. The packs will contain all the art materials and instructions you’ll need to get involved. The materials can be shared with anyone in your household/bubble as they’d love to receive as many artworks back as possible! Packs will be sent/delivered on a first come, first served basis. No previous art or craft experience is needed.
Everyone is spending so much more time indoors, so they’re asking people to capture the view from their window/s, using acetate, glass pens and glass outliner. Each window will give an individual perspective but by coming together it will become a shared view. A collection of images looking out and noticing the details of familiar views; how long do we usually spend really looking at the things on our doorstep?
They’re asking people to look closely at the familiar and the everyday, to notice the colours and forms and the often overlooked… whether that’s the garden, the sky or the neighbour’s bins…
All the artworks created will be gathered back together and made into a group piece of work – a 3D perspex ‘house of windows’, sharing the many views from across Leeds. The ‘house of windows’ will be on display in Spring 2021 as well as being shared on social media.
We know through feedback from previous work, undertaking a creative activity can help reduce stress, help people focus and be ‘in the moment’ as well as giving people time out for themselves.
Skippko will produce a small booklet that will be printed and posted back out to participants so you will have a record of the project, connecting people across Leeds at an exceptional time.
For more information please contact Cath at Skippko by email cath.skippko@gmail.com or leave a message and your contact number on Skippko’s answerphone and Cath will call you back 0113 234 5355.
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