You may have seen in my earlier post last week that I had my usual anxiety over starting new initiatives with Carers.. well I am pleased to say they were yet I had absolutely no need to question if people would turn up.

As a result of working with Dementia Friendly Rothwell, Aberford Parish Council, Abeford Almhouse Trust, and St Ricarius Church I have met over 20 new people this week that I haven’t met before.

That’s over 20 people who were happy to share their experiences of caring, feeling isolated, or not knowing where to turn for answers.

20 + people that without going into the community I wouldn’t have been able to reach. And why is this:

“I won’t drive into Leeds, it scares me! It’s difficult enough to manage caring and working, without having to find someone to look after Jenny so I can pop into Leeds’.

‘Go into Leeds, are you kidding me? Have you tried getting onto a bus with someone who is in a wheelchair and has dementia? I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy!’

‘My husband feels safe is Rothwell, he knows his way round and has a routine of the shops and places he likes to go to. I wouldn’t risk going into Leeds it would stress him out’

We don’t go into Leeds, we might get the bus from Aberford to Garforth, but relying on buses to get to Le eds just isn’t worth it.

‘Since we get a diagnosis we have just felt abandoned. Where do you do for the answers to the question s you don’t even know to ask?’

I feel really privileged that Carers have felt comfortable enough to really open up about the reality of caring, the challenges they face every day and suggestions they have for making life easier to keep them caring.
