The excellent staff in the Carers Trust policy division are working to make sure that the needs of carers are being included in campaigning in the General Election. They are asking election candidates to make the following commitments.
- Carers in all areas receive sustainable support when and how they need it, including through high quality replacement care.
- Young carers are identified and supported earlier in education, training or work so that they can have the same life opportunities as other children and young people
- Carers of people with dementia, and older carers, receive extra support and that older people are helped to plan in case they become a carer.
- Carers of people with mental health problems are involved as key partners and that their own needs as carers are addressed.
- Professionals identify and support carers of all ages, and that caring is always a choice.
From our day to day work supporting carers in Leeds these commitments seem both necessary and reasonable. So, if you’re talking to election candidates or attending hustings, you could ask candidates to make a pledge to carers which includes the 5 points above.
Carers Trust will also be sending an email to all UK candidates asking them to take the pledge. After the Election, Carers Trust will also be emailing all returning MPs telling them about the issues that carers face and what they can do to support carers.
View the Carers Trust Carers Election Guide here.