Sudden unexpected events relating to health, power-cuts, or incidents that require immediate action are scary, stressful situations, and the majority of us simply hope they never happen.

Taking the time to prepare will drastically reduce panic and additional pressure that could make a situation worse.

Here are practical tips from our carer support workers to help you prepare for all kinds of emergency situations.

*Remember to share your plans and preparations with family and friends.

Overnight bag: change of clothes, underwear, incontinence pads and sanitary wear, spare keys, food & snacks, cash, mobile phone charger, one bag per person (not just the person you care for) packed ready within easy reach.

Provisions: have a stock of food that has a long shelf life and does not need to be prepared, cans and dried food that can be eaten cold, spare blankets and jumpers kept to one side, a cool bag for food and medication (i.e. insulin).

List of medication: not just prescriptions but eye drops, vitamins, herbal remedies, over the counter medicines, ointments, inhalers, lotions, dressings and any injections the person has (insulin, B12, etc.)

Health information: list health conditions, NHS number, blood type and allergies, referencing any advance decisions e.g. Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR).

Key contacts: emergency contacts (including family and professionals), stating who is next of kin and who might have power of attorney.

Paperwork: store key documents (bank accounts, utility providers, insurance, etc) in one place and ensure someone else is aware of where that is.

For other tips or support, call our advice line on 0113 380 4300 or e-mail