You might find that studying online is easier to fit in around caring than a classroom based course.
Take a look at these free online courses for carers.
OpenLearn Works is part of free learning available at The Open University. ‘Caring for Adults’ is an introductory online course for anyone in a caring role, either paid or unpaid. It builds on what you already know to give you a better understanding of your role as a carer. It also supports your own wellbeing by giving you some ideas and information about looking after yourself and dealing with stress.
The course is free and you can study without enrolling. Find out more about the Caring for Adults course on the OpenLearn Works website.
Future Learn offers a number of free online courses where you can explore dementia information, research and best practice. Courses include; ‘The Many Faces of Dementia’, ‘Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour’, and ‘Staying Connected and Living Well’. Designed for carers to help you keep in touch with others, manage stress at home and diffuse difficult situations. Find out more about the Future Learn online courses here.
The Social Care Institute for Excellence has developed seven e-learning modules aimed at anyone supporting or living with people with dementia. The module topics include ‘Living with Dementia’, ‘Common Difficulties and How to Help’ and ‘Positive Communication’. Please note that this course has not been updated recently but it still contains a lot of information that you might find useful. Find out more on the SCIE website.
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