So what is befriending and why do we offer it?
One definition from the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation states that it is ‘a voluntary,
mutually beneficial and purposeful relationship in which an individual gives time to support another to enable them to make changes in their life’ but you may be thinking what does that actually mean for carers in Leeds?
We know that our carer support team do a fantastic job of supporting carers but sometimes more sessions of intensive regular support are needed for those who are struggling with stress, anxiety or depression.
Our trained befriending volunteers are able to offer time every week to support a carer to improve their mental wellbeing, whether this is to reach a specific goal or simply to get out of the house and talk about how they are doing. Our befrienders can visit carers at home, give them a call or even stay in touch online!
If you would like to find out more, please contact me on 0113 246 8338 or e-mail
Nikki Pattinson, Carers Befriending Co-ordinator
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