Hello, I’m Trish and I’d like to to tell you what a day in life of a Mental Health / Learning Disability Carer Support Worker is like.
My working day starts at 8.00, initially check and respond to emails, some of these are in relation to Carers Week, I’m organising information stalls at Becklin Centre and liaising with professionals about events during the week.
Today I’ve got an advice line shift from 9-12.45
Calls vary, from information about Blue Badge scheme/cared for being discharged from hospital/Time 4 Carers grants/Max card and new referrals to different projects within Carers Leeds…..all washed down with copious cups of tea.
I got a call on my work mobile from senior management, regarding sensitive situation regarding a carer.
And now it’s a 30 min lunch break (chicken sandwich) and then out to visit a carer to offer emotional support via an interpreter.
After the visit I head back to office to write up the notes and follow up on actions. Then I check emails again before…Home time!
Trish Fisher
Carer Support Worker