Most of us will have been thinking, over the last few days, what Brexit means for us as individuals, employees, members of communities, carers. The implications for charities in the UK are predictably not clear. Some charities will lose out through potential loss of European Funding in the future – this will not impact on Carers Leeds. However, problems within the economy could impact on funding available for our service, and could affect services available to support carers and the people they care for. However, it’s very early days to predict what might happen.
Leaders in the charity sector are focussing on some of the difficulties that have arisen as a result of the divisive referendum campaign and the fact that the success of the Leave campaign seems to have unleashed a lot of anti-immigrant feeling. This is of great concern to organisations like ours which are committed to working with our diverse community.
So we join other organisations to say that all carers are welcome at our service regardless of their social, cultural, ethnic or racial background. Regardless of whether they are newly arrived in the UK or have lived here for many years. We celebrate the diversity of our community.