Carers Leeds is an LGBT friendly organisation and we are keen to make sure that LGBT carers feel confident in approaching our organisation for information, advice and support. Consequently, having a presence at Leeds Pride is important and we have had a stall there for three years. It’s great to attend and talk to people at Pride about caring issues. It’s good fun for staff too, and I’m sorry I missed the show this year – it looked brilliant.
This year, 5,000 people took place in the procession, 20 events were organised by local community groups and well over 35,000 people took part in the events, either watching the show, the procession, or generally being around for the event. Of the 640 people who completed the survey, 57% said the event was better than any of the previous Pride events. The estimate of the economic impact showed that over £3 million was spent on the day. (Note to self: take some collecting tins next time!)
It was great to be part of such a successful event and we look forward to future ones.