It was lovely to meet with the Karen Taylor and her admin & reception team at Kippax Hall Surgery this week. Especially as one of the team was is a carer to her son and mother, so she was able to speak first hand of her experiences as a carer, and a working carer at that!
We ran a carers awareness session and discussed ways in which they can help carers access the wealth of support and advice of Carers Leeds. Some of the staff didn’t realise just how much we had to offer.
The Yellow Card referral was a ‘hot topic’. With new starters to the practice in the session it was great to have the opportunity to discuss what we do when the cards arrive to us here on the Headrow. I think it surprised the staff how quickly we can start working with carers…. But we did stress we need each Yellow Card to be signed by the carer, and stamped by the practice so we can help as soon as possible!
A support group for carers was discussed which was music to my ears as the Legion in Kippax has very kindly offered us one of their lovely rooms as a meeting point… watch this space for dates coming up!
On closing I think my biggest reflection was how quickly the staff could think of patients already known to them that would benefit from Carers Leeds and our amazing menu of support, advice and most importantly an ear to listen to!
If you would like to be involved in working with Carers Leeds to develop a local group for carers please get in touch!