It’s hard these days to find anybody who works in health and social care who doesn’t understand the vital contribution that unpaid carers make and there is some fantastic support across the City. But how many of us go the extra mile for our carers?
We work in times of continued financial pressures set against increasing demand, the introduction of new legislation and new ways of working but we need to recognise that when a caring role come to an unplanned end because a carers own health has failed, that can be just as serious for the health and social care system as when an experienced nurse or care worker leaves their profession. And of course, when a carer is no longer able to care, there is inevitably a cost to statutory services to provide health and care support for both the carer and the person they cared-for.
I’ve been looking at some comments this past couple of days from carers in Leeds who have been saying what really helps them ……. and time after time its ………………… time. Time to talk to someone and someone taking the time to listen.
So this, the first Carers Partnership Blog is asking that we all give time for carers – time that makes sure that carers feel that their caring role is recognised and valued, time that makes sure that carers are listened to and involved in planning the care for the person they care for, and time to make sure that carers are supported to remain in good health and able to continue caring if that is their choice.
And so I’m asking you on behalf of the Carers Partnership to put just 10 minutes a week into your calendar to check out this blog on the Carers Leeds Website – you’ll find lots if useful and interesting information and stories there. Better still, the first time you visit the blog click on ‘subscribe to our blog’ and the kind people at Carers Leeds will send you an e-mail every time there is a new post.
Ten minutes – I’m sure you can find the time!
Ian Brooke-Mawson
Strategic Commissioning Manager – Carers
Leeds City Council (Adult Social Care) & NHS Leeds CCG’s