Dianne has volunteered for Carers Leeds for a massive 14 years, in a variety of different roles.
For the last 5-6 years Dianne has been part of the befriending service to offer telephone/face to face support to carers as a befriender. Dianne fits this in around working full time, volunteering for the RSPB, and being an active member of her local Church.
Before lockdown, Carer Befriending Co-ordinator Nikki Pattinson had chance to ask Dianne a couple of questions so others can see what it’s like to volunteer at Carers Leeds.
Q: What is it that keeps you volunteering at Carers Leeds after 14 years?
A: I still enjoy being able to ‘give back’ to the organisation, after the support I received myself, when I was caring for my Mum. I get a real ‘buzz’ out of supporting the carers I’m matched with; and it does me good too! I currently support two carers. Although they are very different to each other, I enjoy talking to both of them. It’s nice to hear that they look forward to my calls.
Q: What support do you get to help you volunteer?
A: I would also say that I could not carry out the role without the excellent training, and full support that I get from Carers Leeds.
Q: What’s the most difficult thing about being a befriender?
A: Listening to a carer who is having a difficult time, and not being able to do more than listen.
Thank you to Dianne for supporting Carers Leeds for all these years…and hopefully many more to come.