Carers Week is just around the corner (08 – 14 June 2020) and this year’s theme is Making Caring Visible.

We know that as carers you are currently dealing with more challenges than ever, with the additional worry of how to keep yourselves and the person you care for safe during the coronavirus outbreak. Carers Week is an opportunity for local communities to recognise the contribution YOU make to keeping family and friends safe and well. Help us make caring visible by sharing your experiences of caring.

We want you to send us your stories, films, blogs, pictures and poems that show what caring looks like for you. This could be the positive things you have experienced during lockdown or some of the new challenges you face.

So grab your smart phone, paintbrush and pens and let’s get creative and make caring visible for all to see the amazing contribution you make to this city.

Submit your entry before 03 June 2020 by e-mailing