Carers Leeds are absolutely thrilled to announce that in partnership with Leeds City Council Adult Social Care and the 3 Leeds CCG’s, we have won a prestigious HSJ Award in the CCG & Local Authority Integrated Commissioning for Carers category!
Our partnership work through the Yellow Card Scheme has demonstrated outstanding practice and innovation that helped to improve patient care and enhance value and efficiency. We have overcome fierce competition to be judged as among UK healthcare’s leading exponents.
The 3 reasons we have won this award is because the Yellow Card Scheme demonstrates collaboration, sustainability and that the scheme is effective at identifying and supporting carers. The Judges praised the “clear demonstration of how a collaborative, sustainable intervention works”.

Health Development Manager Sian at a local GP practice with a Yellow Card

The winning team – Carers Leeds, CCG’s and Adult Social Care

The HSJ Award!

Diane Boyne, Sian Cartwright, Ian Brooke-Mawson and Val Hewison

Sian Cartwright, Ian Brooke-Mawson, Diane Boyne, Val Hewison, Tanzeela Samad, Jen Kenward & Paula Cruise