Carers Leeds Annual Survey 2023 findings
Today we are publishing The State of Unpaid Caring in Leeds, based on our 2023 annual survey of unpaid adult and parent carers across the city.
679 unpaid carers responded to the survey, which asked what unpaid carers were most concerned about, their experiences as an unpaid carer and what matters most to them.
This included carers of different ages, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and carers with disabilities. Our 2023 survey had significantly more male respondents, carers from ethnic minority communities and LGBTQ+ carers, than our 2022 survey
What the report tells us
This report tells the true story of what it means to provide unpaid care in Leeds. Too many unpaid carers are feeling invisible and undervalued, and many are living in circumstances which are leaving them at breaking point. The findings of this year’s survey bring to the fore stubborn issues which are difficult to change, and the things we must pay most attention to, if we are really to make a difference to the lives of unpaid carers. These include carers’ own health and wellbeing, carer poverty, support for their caring role and to take a break from caring.
These issues are made worse by the squeeze on public finances and the impact on health and care services that carers, as well as the people their care for, rely on. Also, by a benefits system which is in desperate needs for reform, when it comes to carers. The Carers Allowance scandal, which has recently hit the headlines, highlights the inadequacy and unfairness of this benefit coupled with the punitive treatment of a group of people who made an enormous contribution to society.
Now, more than ever, we need to pay attention to what unpaid carers are telling us and act to ensure all carers in Leeds are recognised, valued and supported to live a fulfilling life.