A group of young adult carers recently worked with filmmaker Katy from Fly Girl Films to learn about film making and advocacy, and to discuss the issues that mattered to them.
Funded by the i-will project through the Big Lottery and the Dept for Culture, Media and Sport, this was the first of many workshops that will see 16 to 25 year old carers use the medium of film to address carers issues.
We had a great yet emotional time discussing the difficulties of being a young adult carer, growing up with a caring responsibility and the importance of reaching out for help. The group participated in activities that helped them to think creatively about turning their own experiences into something that would be of value to them and others. The room was brimming with ideas!
As a starter the group made three brilliant very short films, one of which is shown below! However, this is just a taste of things to come as by the end of the summer we will have an advocacy film which addresses the issues young adult carers need you to know about.
Here is the film, hope you enjoy:
Hazell Cockle, Young Adult Carer Support Worker
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