Healthwatch Leeds and Carers Leeds have linked up so that Healthwatch can offer the support of their fantastic team of volunteers to some of the most vulnerable people in Leeds during the current CoVid19 situation.
Healthwatch Leeds volunteers are offering a doorstep drop service to isolated/self-isolating carers, so far this has included items of shopping and prescriptions collections. Last week they were able to help four different families:
- An elderly carer living in south Leeds whose husband is housebound, couldn’t get a supermarket delivery slot and with no family locally, she required urgent essentials – Youthwatch Leeds Volunteer Gemma jumped in her car and got the ever so grateful family everything they needed. Gemma is now doing the families weekly shop.
- An elderly west Leeds resident who cares for his 80 year old wife with advanced dementia was struggling to get a prescription from the local chemist, despite having a sitting service, the allocated sitter couldn’t stay long enough for the gentleman to get his prescriptions. Youthwatch volunteer Brad was happy to collect the prescription and ease the man’s worry.
Nikki Pattinson – Carer Engagement Team Leader / befriending co-ordinator
“Carers Leeds are so thankful to have this wonderful partnership with Healthwatch, providing same day support to our most vulnerable carers. Thank you to the Healthwatch Leeds volunteers for your kindness and willingness to go the extra mile”.
Craig Volunteer Manager at Healthwatch Leeds “I am so glad that we are working together with Carers Leeds to help these vulnerable families, who are really struggling to get by at the moment, our volunteers have been amazing and really stepped in to help out families that don’t have anyone else available. I have heard some really sad stories this week and I am so glad were involved in this project, the Carers are so grateful to our volunteers!