Are you interested in making Leeds a more age friendly place? Why not go along to the Age Friendly Steering Group?
Meeting once per month in the city centre, their latest project is the ‘Come In and Rest’ scheme, which asks businesses to invite older people to come in and sit down for a few minutes when they need to. Carers Leeds is part of this scheme, you may have seen the sticker on our front door.
The Age Friendly Steering Group is especially looking for residents in South and East Leeds. You are very welcome to go along to one meeting and see what it’s like before making a commitment.
No experience is necessary, just an interest in making Leeds a great city!
The group chats about things such as how to make buses more age friendly or how to help more people get online.
The next meetings are scheduled for 14 September, 11 October and 9 November at 1:30pm. Help with transport is available if needed.
Get in touch to find out more via email or telephone 0113 244 1697.

Age friendly steering group