Our vision is to create a comprehensive digital tool that gives carers information, advice and support at the click of a button, on the go, when and wherever it’s needed.
Carers Leeds is applying for funding to develop this new technology-based project, and we’d like you to get involved. This exciting new venture has the potential to be hugely beneficial to all carers.
Please join us for lively, creative thinking sessions, with lunch and refreshments. We are running 2 different sessions and you could attend one or both.
Session 1: Wednesday 04 December, 10am until 3pm at Carers Leeds – How could new information technology help carers in their caring role? What are the problems carers experience?
Session 2: Tuesday 14 January, 10am until 3pm at Carers Leeds – Thinking about ways information technology can help – ideas for solutions to problems.
We particularly welcome carers who have never been involved in projects like this before. We don’t expect any carers attending to have any knowledge of digital or on-line services or support.
A £20 voucher will be offered to carers attending these events. Booking is essential, please contact Carers Leeds on 0113 246 8338.
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