Carers Leeds Events Calendar

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Research shows that 72% of carers in the UK said they had suffered mental ill health and 61% said they had suffered physical ill health as a result of caring (Carers UK 2018).

Let’s change this together by helping us shape the new Carers Good Health project. This new project will address carers health and focus on healthy eating, physical activity and mental wellbeing, including self care and social isolation.  To plan the various events and activities for carers, we want your views.  Please join us at this consultation to give us your thoughts on health and wellbeing.  We’d like to know how caring affects your wellbeing, what might help you and what stops you looking after your wellbeing.

You don’t need to attend the full session and lunch will be provided.

For further information on the project you can contact Jo Foster on 0113 2468338 or

The Carers Good Health project is being run in collaboration with Carers Trust, and is funded by Bupa UK Foundation.

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