Carers Leeds Events Calendar

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Are you a parent/friend or family member, and would you benefit from meeting with other carers in a similar situation?

Would you like to relax, chat, talk to someone who understands your situation or get some ‘time out’ from your caring role?

You are invited to join our friendly online carers support group. We meet on Zoom to chat and share experiences with others in a similar situation. Get advice and support, and have some you time.

This session we will be hosting a festive quiz which includes a picture and music round so any carers who would like to come along to the support group will have an extra fun first attendance and will need to bring a pen and paper. Festive attire is optional!

This carers group will have a digital space at the end, so as well as peer support from carers to one another, Holly, our Digital Inclusion Co-ordinator, will be available to discuss all things digital.

To book your place please contact our advice line on 0113 380 4300 or email Angie Thompson / or Holly Wilkins /

Note, if you would like any support with accessing/joining Zoom please contact Holly, our Digital Inclusion Co-ordinator, directly on 07494 272 022.

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