Carers Assessment Evaluation

We are interested in hearing from carers who have had a Carers Assessment.

We would like to find out what the experience was like for you; what worked well and what didn’t work so well, and what might have changed for you as a result of having a Carers Assessment.

This is an opportunity to voice your feedback and opinions. Surveys like this are valuable and will influence change on how Carers
Assessments take place in Leeds Your answers will be anonymous but if you would like to discuss any issues further please contact Helen Sutcliffe, Carers Assessments Worker on 0113 380 4300 or email

    Please let us know a little about yourself.

    1) Where did you hear about Carers Assessment?

    2a) How did you request a Carers Assessment?

    2b) Please feel free to make any comments in support of your answer.

    3) How easy was it contact the Carers Assessment Team at Carers Leeds? 1 indicating very hard and 5 indicating very easy.

    4a) How long did you have to wait for a Carers Assessment?

    4b) Please feel free to make any comments in support of your answer.

    5a) Were you offered a choice of venue and time to fit in with your caring role?

    5b) Please feel free to make any comments in support of your answer.

    6a) Were you sent any information to help you prepare for your Carers Assessment?

    6b) If not, do you think this would this have been helpful?

    6c) Please feel free to make any comments in support of your answer.

    7a) Do you think that the person carrying out your Carer Assessment was knowledgeable and understood what caring is like for you?

    7b) Please feel free to make any comments in support of your answer.

    8a) Did the person carrying out the Carer Assessment clearly answer your questions and concerns?

    8b) Please feel free to make any comments in support of your answer.

    9a) Do you think the Carers Assessment was helpful?

    9b) Please feel free to make any comments in support of your answer.

    10a) Do you feel the Carers Assessment has made a difference to your caring role?

    10b) Please feel free to make any comments to let us know how it made a difference.

    11a) Have there been positive changes in your support as a carer since the Carers Assessment?

    11b) Can you tell us what they are?

    12) Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experience of having a Carers Assessment?

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    Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Your input is very much appreciated and welcomed.