Carers Leeds Events Calendar Submission Form

This form is for external professional partners and organisations to submit events to the Carers Leeds Events Calendar. The submitted event must take place in or close to Carers Week  - events outside this time frame will not be added. Please follow all instructions below to ensure that your event is listed.

Your Details

Event Details

Event Date Details

Event Location Details

Choose a Featured Image

Very Important: Please ensure that you have legitimate rights to use any images you provide us for your event. They should be "Free of Copyright" or be "Royalty Free" images. If you or your organisation are the creators of the media you send - this will normally be okay. If you are unsure we have provided some links below for you to search for 'Royalty Free' image stock.

Each event must be accompanied by at least one landscape image of at least 1000 pixels in width. Events will not be added without at least one landscape featured image.

Choose a featured image for the event. Images need to be confirmed as royalty free and copyright free - with no exception.

If need to send your own image/s - please send them to - please ensure you have already submitted the event details via this form and use the title of your event in the body of your email.

If you have multiple images, please also send them to Geoff via email stipulating which one is the featured (landscape) image - the other images will be used in the body copy.

If you have a Carers Leeds photo - please send it by email to Geoff. If you do not have a photo - choose a stock image from of the sites listed in this section and paste the photo page URL in to the next section.

If you email a photo - ensure:

  • It is at least 1000 pixels in width
  • Is landscape in orientation
  • You have a photo release form signed from any member of the public included in the photo

Copyright and Royalty free images can be found at sites like: