National Voices: People Sharing Health and Social Care has written a document setting out 6 key principles for health and social care services to be taken into account in the planning  and delivery of the ‘new relationship with people and communities set out in the NHS 5 Year Forward View’.  The NHS 5 year forward view is one of the most important policy statements defining the future of the NHS and its relationship with social care services.

The principles set out the basis of good person-centred, community focussed health and care and are intended to be used by senior managers and staff in the NHS and local government.  The principles are

  1. Care and support is person-centred: personalised, coordinated, and empowering
  2. Services are created in partnership with citizens and communities
  3. Focus is on equality and narrowing inequalities
  4. Carers are identified, supported and involved
  5. Voluntary, community and social enterprise and housing sectors are involved as key partners and enablers
  6. Volunteering and social action are recognised as key enablers.

It is a great step forward to see that identifying, supporting and involving carers is seen as  essential  in the provision of modern services.