We need evidence that the grant awarded is used for the purpose it was given. It is a condition of the Time for Carers grant that receipts for money spent are returned.
You must return your receipts to Carers Leeds within 1 month of the money being spent or the break being taken and within 12 months of receiving the grant.
Receipts submitted must be for carer expenses only. However, receipts for the cost of a shared caravan, shared holiday apartment or shared hotel accommodation for yourself and the person with care needs will be accepted.
You will be sent a Report Back Form if your application is successful. Receipts should be attached to a completed Form.
Receipts must match the details of the break/holiday, activity, outing or item requested on the application form. We will not accept receipts for ordinary living costs i.e. supermarket food, hairdressing, white goods (fridges etc.) and
We cannot accept receipts for a break/holiday, activity, outing or item which you purchased before you were awarded the grant.
If receipts are lost, duplicate receipts should be sought, if at all possible. A Report Back form should still be completed giving details of why receipts are not being submitted. Failure to provide appropriate receipts may mean that you are ineligible to apply to Time for Carers Fund in the future.
Leeds City Council, who provides the funding for Time for Carers Fund, may request that grant payments are returned if receipts are not provided. Please note Carers Leeds does not send out reminder letters.
Please note that if the grant is misused you may be asked to return the money by Leeds City Council who fund the grant.
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