Carers Leeds Events Calendar

Horsforth dementia information group
May 7, 2019 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Each month we hold advice and information sessions for carers of people with memory problems and dementia.
Caring for a loved one with dementia? You don’t need to do it alone, join our dementia carer support group. We provide this monthly information and advice session where you can share experiences and coping strategies. You will always enjoy a warm welcome. We may even have cake! If you have any questions about the group you can contact us via email or by telephoning Alison Smith (Dementia Carer Support Worker) on 07792 662351.
The meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at Horsforth Library.
Each month we will be able to offer:
- Advice
- Refreshments
- A chance to chat and socialise with other carers
- Learn and share coping strategies
“We come in looking a bit miserable but we always go out smiling!”
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Carers Leeds Dementia Support Group
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Carers Leeds Dementia Support Group
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Carers Leeds Dementia Support Group