Carers Leeds Events Calendar

Concerned other support group
August 9, 2021 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Carers Leeds offer support to people affected by the drug and/or alcohol use of someone they know, whether that is a family member, a loved one or a friend. We refer to this group as ‘concerned others’.
At this online group, concerned others join together with our Support Workers Owen & Kai for a friendly chat and to discuss relevant topics to help you in your caring role.
This event is accessed over the internet via Zoom. To take part you will need access to a computer, smart phone or tablet.
For more information about this support, visit our concerned other page, which is packed with information and resources: or call our advice line on 0113 380 4300.
This group is one of many free carers groups. Group support is a good way to share experiences and get emotional support from other people in the same or similar situation.
The groups are welcoming and friendly, give carers a break from caring and gives you the opportunity to get advice, information and support tailored towards your caring role.
Some groups enjoy activities, well-being sessions and have speakers who may be of particular interest to the group.
Please contact Carers Leeds advice line on 0113 380 4300 or email for further information about the groups and how to access them.